
The slang word / acronym / abbreviation NKT

What does NKT mean?

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What is NKT?

NKT is "Expression of annoyance"

NKT Definition / NKT Means

The definition of NKT is "Expression of annoyance"

The Meaning of NKT

NKT means "Expression of annoyance"
So now you know - NKT means "Expression of annoyance" - don't thank us. YW!
What does NKT mean? NKT is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the NKT definition is given.
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Other terms relating to 'expression':
· AHA Expression of discovery or realization
· AIYA Cantonese expression of exasperation
· ALAS Expression of regret, sorrow
· ARGH Expression of frustration or anger
· ASDFGHJKL An Expression Of Excitement
An Expression Of Frustration
An Expression Of Boredom
· BEH Expression of disinterest, IDC
· BIG UP Expression of respect
· BLAR Expression of boredom, BLAH
· BLARG Expression of boredom
· BLEH Expression of boredom
· BLIMEY Expression of surprise, OMG
· BUH Expression of dismay, disgust
· DOH Expression of frustration, realization
· EEE Expression of excitement
· EEK Expression of surprise, distress
· ENNIT Expression of agreement
· EWW Expression of disgust
· FEH Expression of dismissal, disgust
· GAH Expression of frustration
· GRRR Expression Of Anger
Expression Of Frustration
Expression Of Intimacy
· HMPH Expression of apathy or disagreement
· HUZZAH Expression of triumph, joy
· JEEZ Expression of annoyance
· MER Expression of boredom, nonchalance
· MMM Expression of pleasure or contentment
· MY FOOT Expression of disbelief
· ORO Expression of confusion
· PFF Expression of disagreement
· PFFT Expression of dismissal
· PHEW Expression of relief
· PHOAR Expression of lust, physical attraction
· POKER FACE Expressionless face
· PSH Dismissive expression
· PSHAW Expression of disbelief, scepticism
· SHIOK Expression of happiness, pleasure
· SHUCKS Expression of modesty or disappointment
· SHUX Shucks, expression of modesty
· SNAP Expression of dismay, surprise, joy etc
· UFF Expression of annoyance
· UGH Expression of disappointment or disgust
· UH Expression of hesitation
· UM Expression of hesitation
· URGH Expression of annoyance, displeasure
· WERD Expression of agreement
· WERK Expression of approval, praise
· WHEW Expression of relief or amazement
· WHOA Expression of surprise
Slow down
· WOO HOO Expression of excitement
· WORALEZ Spanish expression to denotate impressive stuff
· YALDI Expression of excitement
· YIKES Expression of shock or surprise
· YUCK Expression of disgust
Other terms relating to 'annoyance':
· -.- Annoyance
· JEEZ Expression of annoyance
· TSK Sound of annoyance
· UFF Expression of annoyance
· URGH Expression of annoyance, displeasure


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