Web Abbreviations beginning U

Computer Slang beginning with the letter U

On this site you will find a list of slang terms, acronyms and abbreviations as used in websites, ICQ chat rooms, blogs, SMS, and Internet forums - a complete dictionary of slang. This page lists these acronyms beginning with U.
Please note that a few of the words stand for phrases containing words that may be offensive to some people. In those cases we have substituted asterisks, or similar, for the words in question.
All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S
T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Other
· U You
· U.O.E.N.O You Don't Even Know
· U.U Expressing sympathy
· U2 You Too
· U2B YouTube
· U2U Up To You
· UA4I You Asked For It
· UAB Ugly ass bitch
· UAC User Account Control
· UAE United Arab Emirates
· UAK You Already Know
· UAN Universal Access Number
· UARK You Already Know
· UAV Urban Assault Vehicle
· UB you biggit
· UB2 You Be Too
· UB3R Uber, very
· UBD User Brain Damage
· UBER Ultimate, best (German for above)
· UBRS Upper Black Rock Spire (WOW)
· UC&P Up Close and Personal
· UCAP Up Close and Personal
· UCLA University of California at Los Angeles
· UDA Ulster Defence Association
· UDI Unidentified Drinking Injury
· UDK You Don't Know
· UDS Ugly Duckling Syndrome
· UDWK You Don't Wanna Know
· UEFA Union of European Football Associations
· UES Upper East Side (of Manhattan)
· UFC Ultimate Fighting Championship
· UFF Expression of annoyance
· UFG Up For Grabs
· UFO Unidentified Flying Object
· UG Ugly
· UG2BK You've Got To Be Kidding
· UGC User Generated Content
· UGG Ugly
· UGGO Ugly person
· UGGS Brand of boots
· UGH Expression of disappointment or disgust
· UH Expression of hesitation
· UHF Ultra High Frequency
· UHM same as UH or UM
· UHQ Ultra High Quality
· UHT Ultra High Temperature
· UHU Misspelling of HUH
· UI User Interface
· UID User Identification
· UIN Unique Identification Number
· UK Are You OK?
United Kingdom
· UKT You Know That
· UKWIM You Know What I Mean
· UKWUR You Know Who You Are
· UL Upload
· ULM You Love me
· ULOFA you love to fart
· ULT Last month (from Latin ultimo)
· UM Expression of hesitation
· UMAD Are You Mad?
· UMBH You Must Be High
· UMBJ You Must Be Joking
· UMML You Make Me Laugh
· UMTWTM You Mean The World To Me
· UN United Nations
· UNCE Sound of club music
· UNDIES Underwear
· UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
· UNI University
· UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund
· UNIX Computer operating system
· UNK Crackhead
· UNO You know
· UNOIT You know it
· UNPC Not Politically Correct
· UNTZ Sound of a pulsing beat
· UO Ultima Online (game)
· UOENO You Don't Even Know
· UOM Unit of Measure. Examples: oz, lb, gallon
· UPG Upgrade
· UPS United Parcel Service
Uninterruptible Power Supply
· UPT Uptown
· UR Your
You Are
· URA You Are A ...
· URAQT You Are A Cutie
· URF you are farting
· URGH Expression of annoyance, displeasure
· URI Uniform Resource Indicator, URL
· URL Uniform Resource Locator, internet address
· URM You Are Mad
· URP Vomit, throw up
· URW You Are Welcome
· URYYFM You Are Too Wise (two y's) For Me
· US United States
· USA United States of America
· USAF United States Air Force
· USB Universal Serial Bus
· USBM United States Black Metal
· USC University of Southern California
· USCG United States Coast Guard
· USD United States Dollar
· USER Someone who uses other people to gain an advantage
· USMC United States Marine Corps
· USOA same as USA
· USP Unique Selling Point
· USPS United States Postal Service
· USS United States Ship
· USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
· USW Und So Weiter (German for etc)
· UT Unreal Tournament
· UT? You There?
· UTC Coordinated Universal Time
Under The Counter
· UTD Up To Date
· UTE Utility vehicle, pickup truck
· UTF Unicode Transformation Format
· UTFL Use The Force, Luke
· UTH Up The Hoods
· UTI Urinary Tract Infection
· UTO Unable To Obtain
· UTP Up-Town Projects
· UTR Under The Radar
· UTS Under The Skin
· UTT Under The Table
· UV Unpleasant Visual
· UW You're Welcome
· UWS Upper West Side (of Manhattan)
· UWU Happy Anime Face
· UX User eXperience
· UY Up Yours
All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S
T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Other

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