Web Abbreviations beginning B

Computer Slang beginning with the letter B

On this site you will find a list of slang terms, acronyms and abbreviations as used in websites, ICQ chat rooms, blogs, SMS, and Internet forums - a complete dictionary of slang. This page lists these acronyms beginning with B.
Please note that a few of the words stand for phrases containing words that may be offensive to some people. In those cases we have substituted asterisks, or similar, for the words in question.
All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S
T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Other
· B Bro
· B& Banned
· B&B Bed & Breakfast
· B&D Bondage And Discipline
Bondage And Domination
· B&E Breaking And Entering
· B&M Bricks and Mortar
· B&W Black and White
· B) Smiley with sunglasses
· B-DAY Birthday
· B.L.U.D. Bum Life Ugly Death
· B/C Because
· B/W Between
Black and White
· B2B Back To Back
Business To Business
· B2C Business To Consumer
· B2W Back To Work
· B4 Before
· B4MV Bullet For My Valentine (Band)
· B4N Bye For Now
· B4U Before you
· B4YKI Before You Know It
· B7 Banned (B7=B&=Band)
· BAAS Boss
· BABYSITTING Holding the weed too long
· BAC Back At Computer
Blood Alcohol Content
By Any Chance
· BACS Bankers Automated Clearing System
· BAD Good

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