The slang word / acronym / abbreviation PSR

What does PSR mean?

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What is PSR?

PSR is "Pretty Standard, Really"

PSR Definition / PSR Means

The definition of PSR is "Pretty Standard, Really"

The Meaning of PSR

PSR means "Pretty Standard, Really"
So now you know - PSR means "Pretty Standard, Really" - don't thank us. YW!
What does PSR mean? PSR is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the PSR definition is given.
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Other terms relating to 'pretty':
· BIMBO Stupid girl, usually pretty
· KAWAII Cute, pretty (Japanese)
· PDG Pretty Damn Good
· PDP Pretty Darn Precious
· PDQ Pretty Damn Quick
· PGDA Pretty Goddamn Awesome
· PGP Pretty Good Privacy (encryption)
· PHAT Pretty Hot And Tempting
· PLL Pretty Little Liar
· PRI Pretty
· PURDY Pretty
· PYT Pretty Young Thing
Other terms relating to 'standard':
· ANSI American National Standards Institute
· ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
· ASDFGHJKL;' When A Feeling Cannot Be Expressed In Words
Home Keys On Standard Keyboard
· CST Central Standard Time
· EST Eastern Standard Time
· ISBN International Standard Book Number
· ISSN International Standard Serial Number
· NTSC National Television System Committee video standard
· PST Please Send Tell
Pacific Standard Time
· SATS Standard Attainment Tests
· SOP Standard Operating Procedure
· STANDARD Of course, goes without saying
Other terms relating to 'really':
· BIG Great, really good
· BNR But Not Really
· BOMB Something really bad
Something really good
· CRAY CRAY Really crazy
· FEENING Craving, wanting really badly
· H9 Really hate (H8+1)
· HELLA Really, very
· IDRC I Don't Really Care
· IDRK I Don't Really Know
· IMR I Mean, Really
· IRDC I Really Don't Care
· IRDK I Really Don't Know
· IRLY I Really Like You
· JONESING Craving, wanting really badly
· LORL Laugh Out Really Loud
· LRL Laughing Really Loud
· LYR Love You Really
· MAD Really, extremely
· NORLY No, Really?
· NWR No way, Really??
· O RLY Oh, Really?
· ORLY Oh Really
· ORN Oh Really Now
· PENG A LENG Really sexy, very fit
· POTS Parents Over The Shoulder (parents watching, I can't really talk)
· RDC Really Don't Care
· RLY Really
· ROG Really Old Git
· SUPER Very, really
· TARFU Things Are Really Fouled Up
· THE BOMB Really cool
· TIRF That/This Is Really Funny
· YARLY Yeah Really


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