The slang word / acronym / abbreviation SDRAM

What does SDRAM mean?

This could be the only web page dedicated to explaining the meaning of SDRAM (SDRAM acronym/abbreviation/slang word).

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What is SDRAM?

SDRAM is "Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory"

SDRAM Definition / SDRAM Means

The definition of SDRAM is "Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory"

The Meaning of SDRAM

SDRAM means "Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory"
So now you know - SDRAM means "Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory" - don't thank us. YW!
What does SDRAM mean? SDRAM is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the SDRAM definition is given.
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Other terms relating to 'dynamic':
· DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol
· DLLDynamic Link Library (computer file)
Other terms relating to 'random':
· /B/4chan's random image board
· ARKAct of Random Kindness
· NARFRandom interjection
· PROCProgrammed Random Occurrence
· RAKRandom Act of Kindness
· RAMRandom Access Memory
· RANDOMUnexpected, unpredictable
· RAOKRandom Act Of Kindness
· RCRandom Chat
Radio Controlled
· RDMRandom Death Match
· RNGRandom Number Generator
· RQRandom Questions (Livejournal community)
· RWPRandom Wall Post
Other terms relating to 'access':
· 403Deny Access To
· CDMACode Division Multiple Access (voice/data transmission)
· FAFWOAFor A Friend Without Access (when about to ask a silly question)
· HSPDAHigh Speed Packet Data Access
· IMAPInternet Message Access Protocol
· MACMedia Access Control
· RAMRandom Access Memory
· RASRemote Access Server
· UANUniversal Access Number
· WAPWireless Access Point
· WPAWi-Fi Protected Access
Other terms relating to 'memory':
· CDROMCompact Disk Read Only Memory
· DIMMDual In-line Memory Module
· IFMIn Fond Memory
· ILMOIn Loving Memory Of
· IMSMRIf Memory Serves Me Right
· PCMCIAPersonal Computer Memory Card International Association
· RAMRandom Access Memory
· ROMRead-Only Memory
· SDSweet Dreams
Secure Digital (memory card)
So Drunk
· SENIOR MOMENTLapse of memory, logic or mental function
· STMShort Term Memory
· STMLShort Term Memory Loss


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