The slang word / acronym / abbreviation BIOS

What does BIOS mean?

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What is BIOS?

BIOS is "Basic Input Output System"

BIOS Definition / BIOS Means

The definition of BIOS is "Basic Input Output System"

The Meaning of BIOS

BIOS means "Basic Input Output System"
So now you know - BIOS means "Basic Input Output System" - don't thank us. YW!
What does BIOS mean? BIOS is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the BIOS definition is given.
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Other terms relating to 'basic':
· 101Basic introduction
· BASICUncool, boring
Other terms relating to 'input':
· I/OInput/Output
· MIMOMultiple Input Multiple Output
Other terms relating to 'output':
· MIMOMultiple Input Multiple Output
· SHOSure
Super High Output
Other terms relating to 'system':
· BACSBankers Automated Clearing System
· BBSBe Back Soon
Bulletin Board System
· CMSContent Management System
· DBMSDatabase Management System
· DOSDisk Operating System
Denial Of Service (attack)
Dad Over Shoulder
· ELChicago's elevated rail system
· FSCKFile System (Consistency) Check
· GPSGlobal Positioning System
· GSMGlobal System for Mobile communications
· HACKBreak into computer systems or software
· HNOSHome Network Operating System
· MS-DOSMicrosoft Disk Operating System
· MSDOSMicrosoft Disk Operating System
· NESNintendo Entertainment System
· NTFSNew Technology File System
· NTSCNational Television System Committee video standard
· OSOperating System
· SCSISmall Computer System Interface
· SNESSuper Nintendo Entertainment System
· SOADSystem Of A Down (Band)
· SYSOPSystem Operator
· UNIXComputer operating system
· VHSVideo Home System
· VTECVariable Valve Timing and Lift Electronic Control System
· XPWindows operating system
· YAWAPerson who always uses the 'Away' status in IM systems


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