Web Abbreviations beginning L

· LAGG Defeat, PWN
· LAK Love And Kisses
· LAL Laughing A Lot/Little
· LALB Laughing A Little Bit
· LAM Leave A Message
· LAMBO Lamborghini
· LAME Stupid, Unoriginal
· LAMEO Lame Person
· LAMER Annoying person
· LAMN Look At Me Now
· LAMO Mispelling of LMAO
· LAMP Hit
· LAN Local Area Network
· LAND MINE Ugly, skinny girl
· LANK Very
· LAPD Los Angeles Police Department
· LAPPY Laptop computer
· LARP Live Action Role Play
· LART Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool
· LASER Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
· LAT Living Apart Together
· LATA same as LATERS
· LATE Missed a period, possibly pregnant
· LATERS See you later, goodbye
· LATERZ See you later, goodbye
· LATM Laughing At The Moment
· LAU Laughing At You
· LAV Lavatory, toilet
· LAWD Lord
· LAWL same as LOL
· LAWLS same as LOL

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