Web Abbreviations beginning D

· DBR Damaged Beyond Repair
· DBS Don't Be Stupid
Don't Be Sad
Don't Be Scared
· DBT Doing Big Things
· DBZ Dragon Ball Z
· DC Don't Care
· DCED Dissconected
· DCF Department of Children and Families
· DCI Drum Corps International
· DCOI Don't Count On It
· DCT Dream Come True
· DD FREE Disease And Drug Free
· DDB Deaf, Dumb, Blind
· DDF Drug and Disease Free
· DDG Drop Dead Gorgeous
· DDI Don't Do It
· DDMMYY Day Month Year
· DDOS Distributed Denial of Service (network attack)
· DDR Dance Dance Revolution (Game)
· DDT Don't Do That
· DE The
· DEA Drug Enforcement Administration
· DEAD ASS Serious
· DEALING Acting like boyfriend/girlfriend
Selling drugs
· DEAR Drop Everything And Read
· DEB Don't Even Bother
· DEBO Steal
· DEC Decent
· DECENT Good, awesome
· DECK Cool
Punch hard
· DED Dead from joy, hilarity etc
· DEEC Decent

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