Web Abbreviations beginning A

· ASG Asgarv (Swedish for LOL)
· ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
· ASL Age, Sex, Location
· ASLP Age, Sex, Location, Picture?
· ASM Assembly computer language
· ASMR Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response
· ASN Any Second Now
· ASO I see
· ASP At Some Point
· ASPCA American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
· AT&T American Telephone & Telegraph
· ATA Ait To Air
Actual Time of Arrival
· ATAP Any Time, Any Place
· ATB All The Best
· ATC Air Traffic Control
· ATD Attention to Detail
· ATEOTD At The End Of The Day
· ATF All Time Favorite
· ATGATT All The Gear All The Time (motorcycling)
· ATH All Time High
· ATI Array Technology Inc. (graphics card maker)
· ATK Attack
· ATL Atlanta, Georgia
· ATM At The Moment
Automated Teller Machine (cash machine)
· ATMO According To My Opinion
· ATN Any Time Now
· ATOY Always Thinking of you
· ATQ Answer The Question
· ATST At The Same Time
· ATT At This Time
All The Time
· ATTN Attention

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