Web Abbreviations beginning A

· AWOL Absent Without Leave
· AWP Arctic Warfare Police sniper rifle
· AWS As We Speak
· AWSM Awesome
· AWW Any Which Way
· AX Ask
· AYB All Your Base
· AYBABTU All Your Base Are Belong To Us
· AYBRB2U All Your Base Are Belong To Us
· AYC At Your Convenience
· AYCS As You Can See
· AYE Yes
· AYEC At Your Earliest Convenience
· AYFR Are You For Real?
· AYFT Are You Free Today?
· AYK As You Know
· AYKM Are You Kidding Me?
· AYL Are You Listening?
· AYO Hey, You
· AYOR At Your Own Risk
· AYPI And Your Point Is?
· AYR Are You Ready?
· AYRTON Tenner, ten pounds
· AYS Are You Serious?
· AYSOS Are You Stupid Or Something?
· AYT Are You There?
· AYU Are You Up
· AYW As You Wish
· AYYO Hi, hello
· AZN Asian
All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S
T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Other

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