Web Abbreviations beginning S

· SMAD Sad and mad
· SMALLS Underwear
· SMAO Study My Ass Off
· SMDH Shaking My Damn Head
· SMDHE Some Mothers Do Have Em
· SME Small/Medium Enterprises
· SMEG All purpose swear word
· SMEXI Smart and Sexy
· SMEXY Smart and sexy
· SMFT So Much For That
· SMG Sub-Machine Gun
· SMGDH Shaking My God Damn Head
· SMH Shaking My Head
· SMHID Shaking My Head In Despair
· SMHL Shaking My Head Laughing
· SMIB Southern Maryland Inbred
· SMIDSY Sorry Mate, I Didn't See You
· SMIZE Smile with your eyes
· SML Screw My Life
Story of My Life
· SMN Shoot Me Now
· SMOG Sweet Mother Of God
· SMOOSH Hug, squeeze
· SMOP Simple Matter Of Programming
· SMS Short Message Service
· SMSD Simple Minds Seldom Differ
· SMT Sucking My Teeth
· SMTH Something
· SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
· SMURF Experienced gamer posing as a newbie
· SN Screen Name
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